Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wrigley Field Scoreboard Project

I have been working on a Wrigley Field-esque scoreboard for a while now. I started it in the summer of 2007. It sat in my room at school for a year eagerly waiting to be finished. I am back home from school again with not much to do and decided I should probably finish it up. I finally painted the clock face, added the hands, and drilled all the holes for the flags (a great addition from my girlfriend). I am still working on the best way to allow the hands to be moved. I also have a full set of painted numbers that are still down at school. I wish they were here so I could take a picture of the (mostly) completed scoreboard. I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on ways it could be even better. I love working on do-it-yourself projects. They are very rewarding when you are done.

1 comment:

Eric Gati said...

Who is CW Nevets? Cubs, iphone, tax-pro, learning excel...this doesn't sound like anyone I know.

Now I feel like starting a blog which I will inevitably stop updating a week after I start.