Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Keys to CPA Exam Success: Intro

I recently finished the CPA exam so I am slowly breaking away from my routine of reading CPA help forums, support forums, and score release information. I decided to post a few of the resources I used while studying, crying, testing, and waiting for my exam results.

For anyone interested, NASBA and the AICPA have posted the Uniform CPA Examination Passing Rates for Q1 and Q2 of 2008.

Section First Quarter Second Quarter Cumulative
AUD 44.66% 53.09% 49.26%
BEC 46.94% 47.60% 47.29%
FAR 45.95% 49.59% 47.87%
REG 45.66% 48.57% 47.22%

Here is a link to the official score release.

To stay up to date on upcoming changes to the exam, be sure to check out the newsletter and exposure draft regarding the exam. The website allows candidates to practice a short sample exam (5 Q's and a short simulation) to become familiar with the testing software. It is imperative that candidates be familiar with the testing environment before showing up to the exam site.

Despite the fact that the CPA exam only became computerized in 2004, the software that candidates use to take the exam is clunky and awkward. The exam utilizes an "excel like" spreadsheet program with plenty of awkwardness to render it virtually unusable during the exam. Additionally, the simple "Microsoft style" calculator lacks the power necessary to be very helpful for candidates. Having said all that, I reiterate that candidates need to be able to utilize the tools (albeit crappy ones) that they are given to work with. So be sure to check out the site.

If you are looking for a support group of other candidates struggling through the exam, check out the "Pass the CPA Exam" group over at The group there is filled with domestic and international students, mothers, and fathers trying to pass the CPA exam. The group is very supportive and helpful to those looking for advice and encouragement.

If you are seeking more information or advice on specific sections of the exam, I suggest you check out the forums at The site is filled with information for potential candidates or candidates already taking the exam.

I feel like I have a lot to say about this subject, so I'll probably follow this post up with some more opinions/advice on taking and passing the CPA exam. I'll try to address some of the shortcomings of exam software, study tips to achieve success, study packages available to students, and traps to watch out for when taking the exam.

1 comment:

Rajan Vishwakarma said...

A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is the highest standard of competence in the field of Accountancy across the globe. The exam is administered by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), which is the world’s largest accounting body. If you ever consider a career in accounting and want an illustrious career, CPA Course is the best option for you. CPAs are globally recognized as premier accountants and are hired across industries throughout the world.